Friday, May 8, 2009

So tired.

I'm tired today because I spent most of yesterday walking. I started the day out with 25 minutes on the treadmill and then when I couldn't go back to sleep, decided to leave the house. I got all dressed in my usual costume (black dress, colorful tank top for modesty, black flats, jean jacket, colorful scarf, shoulder bag, and cane) and headed to the bus. I rode all the way over to the top of Solano Ave in Berkeley to have lunch at my favorite Indian restaurant. After lunch, I decided to go to the other end of the of the street to see a movie. I should have taken the bus down, but ended up walking.

Now, I know what you're saying, "Chris, what were you thinking?" Well, I was thinking that if I walked I could pick up some art supplies and then catch the bus the rest of the way. I did get some watercolors, oil pastels, sketching paper, and watercolor paper, and on my way to the bus stop, the bus passed me. I was frustrated. I checked my watch and there wasn't enough to wait for the next one and get to the theater on time. So in my flats, I walked from one end of the street to the other (over 1 mile). Luckily, it was all downhill. But that didn't stop my legs from burning and my brain from rattling.

I made it to see the movie, Sunshine Cleaning, with 3 minutes to spare. After the movie, I took the bus to Nilaja's job and got a ride home with her. I was exhausted and nauseated by the time I got to her. It was awful. But after drinking lots of cool water and resting in the car, I started to feel OK again. Then we got home and I had to walk from the car up to the apartment. Just standing up sent the fire up my legs to my hips. I wanted to scream. That burning is the worst.

Of course I made it up to the apartment and crawled right into bed and took a gabapentin. I was in bed most of the evening except for the few hours I sat at the table being artsy. It was a lot of fun and I even did a watercolor of some pears. I'm not very good, but it was quite relaxing. I still haven't figured out the oil pastels, but hopefully I will soon. I also want to get colored pencils and some other paints to practice using.

Today I'm going to rest. I'm really worn out from yesterday, but I need to get my energy up for grocery shopping tonight. I would love to take a nap, but everytime I fall asleep the phone rings. And I'm a little too tired today for sales calls.

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